Thursday, 26 February 2015

Amanda Bynes DUI Case Dismissed; Actress "Doing Well" According to Family

After her epic downward spiral late last year, Amanda Bynes seems to be on the mend here in 2015. Both legally and personally, things are looking up.

In a closed discussion in the judge's chambers Tuesday, a Ventura County, Calif., judge extended the 28-year-old's conservatorship until June 23.

Currently, that gives her parents - with whom she has had a combative relationship in recent years - control over her finances and medical needs.

The star seems surprisingly okay with this, as well.

Meanwhile, Bynes' DUI case from back in September, for which she was facing probation violation charges, was dismissed, lawyer David Esquibias says.

"Amanda is doing very well" lately, Esquibias adds.

Bynes was released from a psychiatric facility in October after less than a month of treatment, a move that was widely met with shock and concern.

She was first arrested for DUI in 2012 but avoided jail by completing treatment. Bynes was hospitalized for months after setting a driveway on fire in 2013.

In early 2014, she was placed on three years' probation.

Her second DUI in late 2014 could have put that in serious jeopardy and had Amanda facing jail time, but the case was tossed for unknown reasons.

Even more importantly, and positively?

Bynes and her parents, Lynn and Rick, are getting along these days. Just a few months ago, if you recall, Amanda threatened to kill her dad on Twitter.

"Amanda is doing much better from where she was months ago," says a family source, who says that the aspiring fashionista "has her own apartment."

"She is much happier," the source adds. "She and her parents are getting along and Amanda is clear-headed, more focused and has more independence."

We can only hope that continues.

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