Thursday, 12 March 2015

23 Stunning TV Deaths We Still Haven't Gotten Over

Death comes in a variety of ways.

Sometimes you succumb to a fatal illness, despite the best attempt of the doctor with whom you've fallen in love.

Other times you are shoved in front of a speeding train by a rising politician.

And still other times, you are stabbed through your entire body by a sword as you valiantly save the life of your daughter.

In the above photo gallery, we've documented 23 fairly recent television character deaths that left us reeling when they occurred.

And which continue to leave us reeling every time we think of them, even years later in some cases.

Some of these characters were killed off because the actor or actress portraying the role wanted to move on. Others helped advance and important storyline.

But all have one thing in common: like a carving knife shoved through the back of our skull by our vindictive mother-in-law, they hurt. A lot.

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